May 202228
Oct 201818
Jul 2014Academic Qualifications
* Exam | Year Of Passing | Attempts | Other Information SSC | 1979 | 1st Attempt | Passed with Distinction & Stood 1st in the school. HSC | 1981 | 1st Attempt | Passed with Distinction. 1st MBBS | 1982 | 1st Attempt | Distinction in Biochemistry. 2nd MBBS | 1984 | 1st Attempt | 1st in Forensic Medicine. 3rd MBBS | 1985 |…
Jul 2014Chapters Contributed To Textbooks
“Yolk Sac Parameters & Pregnancy Outcome-Role of Transvaginal Sonography” in the book“ An Introduction to Genetics & Fetal Medicine”, (Eds) Kamini Rao, Kamal Buckshee, FOGSI. India, 1995. “Management of Congenital Uterine Anomalies” in the book “Pregnancy At Risk-Current Concepts”, (Eds) Usha Krishna, Shirish Daftary, FOGSI, India, 1993. “Bombay Bladder Neck Suspension: a new technique for cystoscopically guided bladder neck suspension as a treatment for genuine…

Mar 2014Contact Dr. Gautam Allahbadia
DUBAI Address: Allahbadia Fertility clinic - 301, Building 40, Floor 3 - Dubai Healthcare City - Dubai Website: www.allahbadiaivf.com Email: howcanwehelpyou@allahbadiaivf.com Telephone: +971 56 105 7979 +971 4 529 6000 Social Share Contact Fill your contact information in this form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible (usually within 48 hours). Your Name (required): Your Email (required): Your Phone Number: Your...
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