Professional Recognition

Dr. Gautam Allahbadia – Professional Recognition

  1. Member of the Experts Committee to formulate the Indian Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Bill & Regulation (2008-present) Invited by the Government of India under the auspices of the Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi.
  2. Associate Editor of the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India (2012-2014). Slated to be Editor-in-chief from 2014-2018.
  3. Member of the International Editorial Board of the Middle-East Fertility Society Journal (2002-present).
  4. Member of the International Editorial Board of Gynecological Surgery- Endoscopy, Imaging, and Allied Techniques, Springer, Germany (2004-present).
  5. Senior Advisor to the 56th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AICOG2013) to be held at Mumbai in January 2013.
  6. Member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Assisted Reproduction & Genetics” published from Chicago, USA (2001-2004).
  7. Member Editorial Board of The Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction, UK (2003-2004).
  8. Guest editor of the special issue on Transvaginal Sonography of the Bombay Hospital Journal for April 1994.
  9. Joint Editor of the textbook “Infertility & Transvaginal Sonography-Current Concepts”, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, 1995.
  10. Joint Editor of the textbook “Progress in Infertility & Transvaginal Sonography”, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 1995.
  11. Editor of the textbook “Manual of Ovulation Induction”, Rotunda Medical Technologies (P) Ltd., Mulund, Mumbai, released in January 2001.
  12. Member of the Editorial board of the Bombay Hospital Journal (1995-2003).
  13. Member of the Editorial Board of “Medi-Cell”, the Official Newsletter from the Medico Legal Cell of the Bombay Obstetric & Gynaecological Society, 1995-96.
  14. Joint Editor of “News & Views”, the Official Newsletter from the Bombay Obstetric & Gynecological Society 1995-96, 1996-97.
  15. 15.Editor of the Video Journal “Infertility & Transvaginal Sonography”, Volumes 1-13,CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 1995.
  16. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Today, Mediworld Publications, New Delhi, India.
  17. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Asian Journal of Obstetric & Gynaecological Practice, IJCP Publications, New Delhi, India.
  18. Editor of the textbook “Endosonography in Obstetrics & Gynaecology”, Rotunda Medical Technologies (P) Ltd, Mulund, Bombay 1st Edition, 1997.
  19. Editor of the twin volume textbook “Transvaginal Sonography in Infertility”, Rotunda Medical Technologies (P) Ltd, Mulund, Bombay, 1st Edition, 1998.
  20. Only Indian Invited Speaker at the 7th World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynaecology held at Washington DC from October 25-30, 1997.
  21. Joint Editor of the Monogram “Practical Infertility Management – Inviting Success”, Orient Longman (2001), Duru Shah, Gautam Allahbadia (Eds); Usha Krishna, Nozer Sheriar (Series Editors).
  22. Editor of the Monogram “Intrauterine Insemination” published by Rotunda Medical Technologies (P) Ltd, Mulund, Bombay, 1st Edition, 1998.
  23. Joint chair at the 16th World Congress on Fertility & Sterility and the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine held at San Francisco from October 4-9, 1998 in the Imaging Sciences session.
  24. Member of the Editorial Board of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Communications (2000-2007), Christchurch, New Zealand.
  25. Member of Managing Committee of the Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists for the years 1998-2000.
  26. Member of the International Organizing Committee of the 8th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynaecology held at Edinburgh, Scotland from 1-5 November 1998.
  27. Founded the first Cyberspace Community of Indian Scientists – Society of Indian Scientists Abroad (SISAB) at (2000-2011).
  28. Only Indian invited to chair a Meet the Expert Luncheon Roundtable on Diagnosis of Pelvic Adhesions using Ultrasonography at the 55th American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada from September 25-30, 1999.
  29. Secretary & Manager of the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India (1999-2003).
  30. Assistant Editor of the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India (2004-2009).
  31. Joint Associate Editor of the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India (2010-2011).
  32. Member of the Scientific Committee (Executive Board) of the A PART, Vienna-Austria (International Association of Private Assisted Reproductive Technology Clinics and Laboratories) from 1999 onwards.
  33. Only Indian invited speaker at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society to be held at Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt on November 24-26, 1999.
  34. Appointed in the panel of Referees for the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (The official publication of the staff society of Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital) (2000-2004).
  35. Editor of the Meeting Syllabus released at the Update on Infertility and Transvaginal Sonography on 8-10 October 1993 at the Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences.
  36. Member Executive Board of the Egyptian Afro-Asian Association for Assisted Fertilization & Conception (EAAAFCA) headquartered in Cairo, Egypt (2001-2006).
  37. Associate Editor of the Journal of the Indian Academy of Human Reproduction (1990-1994).
  38. Awarded the FOGSI YUVA Congress Oration on “Population Stabilization Through Women’s Empowerment” for the West Zone for the year 2003.
  39. Editor of the FOGSI Focus – “Newer Concepts in Contraception” published by FOGSI in April 2003.
  40. Appointed as an Associate Editor of OBGY Clinics (2004-2006), a quarterly journal published by Scientific Press with an educational grant from Alembic Ltd., India
  41. Original research paper “The Sion Test” published in the Aust NZ Journal 32:67-70. 1992 has been abstracted and included in the Yearbook of Ultrasound, 1993, Mosby Year Book Inc., USA.
  42. Guest Editor of the special issue on “Endosonography in Gynecology & Obstetrics” of the Indian Journal of Medical Ultrasound for April-June 1994 issue.
  43. Editor of the Monograph “Intrauterine Insemination” published by Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2005/3rd Edition 2012.
  44. Editor of the Monograph “Manual of Ovulation Induction” published by Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2005/3rd Edition 2012.
  45. Editor of the Monograph “PCOS” published by Anshan Medical Publishers, UK, 1st Edition, 2007.
  46. Editor of the Monograph “Embryo Transfer” published by Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 1st Edition, 2008.
  47. Editor of the Monogram “Donor Egg IVF” published by Jaypee Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 1st Edition, 2008.
  48. Elected the youngest President of the Mumbai Obstetric & Gynecological Society in March 2009.
  49. Chair at the Genetics in Reproduction session at the 7th Singapore International Congress of O&G -Integrating Basic Science into the Art of O&G held on 27 August 2009, Marina Mandarin Singapore.
  50. Chair of the Clinical Research & its applications at the World Congress on Recent Advances in O & G held at the Nehru Centre, Mumbai from 11-13 September 2009.
  51. Member of the permanent International Organizing Committee (IOC) of the Controversies in Obstetrics & Gynecology Meetings, Lyon, France.
  52. Associate Editor of the Elsevier Science Journal “Reviews in Gynecological Practice” (2003-2004).
  53. Nominated as “Mumbai’s Top Doc” for 2012 by a peer nomination process (