Feb 2020Screening all 24 chromosome pairs for a successful cycle: IVF and genetic diagnosis
For couples willing to opt for IVF, genetic testing has not only been able to increase the pregnancy success rate but also helped mitigate genetic anomalies that might occur in their future offsprings. Leading to safer and better-planned pregnancies, hopeful parents have a wide range of options to help deal with fertility challenges through IVF. For some, this doesn’t necessarily mean that there is difficulty…

Jan 2020Your body is giving you ovulation signs, and its time you start tracking!
Keeping a precise track of your fertility can definitely improve the chances of pregnancy, believe fertility specialists. While fertility tracking is a great way of understanding your own body, it can also be effective in mitigating any hormonal abnormalities in both the genders. “Once you know your own personal fertile window, a simple change in timing can increase the likelihood of a positive pregnancy test,”…

Dec 2019Maximal outcomes with minimal stimulation: How IVF Lite works?
Dr Gautam Allahbadia talks about IVF Lite and how it is a significant improvement to the conventional IVF When a female is born, her ovaries already hold all the potential eggs she will have in her lifetime. Over the years, many of these eggs are lost due to natural cell death, and all through her fertile years, ovarian follicles “compete” to mature and release an…

Aug 2019Ovulation and Conception: Things you need to know before trying for a baby
While planning a pregnancy, ovulation is often the most overlooked part, albeit its importance in conceiving a healthy baby. Medical experts across the globe reveal that a large number of women experience difficulty in conceiving due to a lack of knowledge about the impact of ovulation upon the reproductive cycle. According to Dr Gautam Allahbadia, a fertility specialist based in Dubai, women must know the…

Jul 2019#What is the right time to consider an IVF ?
The right time to consider IVF Treatment With Infertility being detected more commonly than before, people are looking for other suitable ways to plan their families. Introduction of miracle treatments such as In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has proved to be a great alternate route for couples who were told they couldn’t reproduce naturally. Although IVF treatment has given couples a chance at pregnancy, subverting their physical…

Jun 2019Women over 27 – Don’t ignore persistent intervals of pelvic pain
Persistent pelvic pain could indicate underlying problems with your fertility and reproductive health Experiencing persistent intervals of pelvic pain or having troubles conceiving? Chances are you might be suffering from Endometriosis. The condition of Endometriosis is not uncommon amongst women, and mostly causes silent signs signaling that your health might be at risk. Although, the exact cause of endometriosis has not been identified, it is…
May 2019
May 2019How Assisted Reproductive Technology can solve the problem of childlessness ?
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) – A ray of hope for childless couples Table of Content Introduction Trauma of being childless Assisted Reproductive Technology Introduction Birthing a child is an important life event for majority of the couples. The ultimate pursuit of happiness for them is holding their child for the very first time. Certainly, the feeling of having a child cannot be matched, and so is…